
Three Surefire Ways to Keep You and Your Teams Innovating When Working From Home

Even in normal circumstances, innovation is hard. Coming up with, socializing, and testing theories takes patience, space, and, most importantly, community. Over the years companies have invested heavily in creating workplaces that promote the casual-collisions that generate innovative ideas. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to surge; more and more people are working from home, and those in the office are being required to wear masks and socially distance. The simple drop-by conversations and forced-collisions aren’t happening nearly as often. Video calls need to be scheduled killing happenstance and the opportunity to “bump” into each other. With fewer random “wouldn’t it be cool if…” conversations it’s likely that our next year of innovation is going to take a hit. I’d suspect that the innovation we will see will be in reactionary areas, related to the discomfort of being at home, or socially distanced, and focused on “at-home health” and supply chain. But  that doesn’t mean it